JOURNAL FASCHO : JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI <p><strong>Journal Fascho </strong>: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN. 2808-5310</a>) diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) STIT Muhammadiyah Tempurejo, Ngawi, Jawa Timur. Jurnal ini memuat hasil penelitian dan kajian Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu bulan April dan Oktober. Alamat Redaksi Jurnal Fascho : Jalan Raya Mantingan-Ngawi Km. 01, Mantingan Ngawi. Kode Pos. 63257 Telp. (0351) 673202, Ext. 085647497756. Email: <a href=""></a></p> en-US (Evvy Lusyana) (Agus Sriyanto) Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 PENCAPAIAN PERKEMBANGAN SENI ANAK USIA 0-6 TAHUN Child after early is them which is have age to under 6 year of is including which still reside in in content which is being in growth process and growth of physical, bouncing, personality and is intellectual of him both for served and also do not serve in institute education of age child early. Growth of art represent wrong human being masterpiece and also kreatig stimulasi, its meaning involve in study art can activate the more areas in brain from at without Dina Rus Septiyaningrum, cindy aprilia, vava imam agus faisal Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL FASCHO : JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENGEMBANG LITERASI BERBASIS BERMAIN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETRAMPILAN KOMUNIKATIF ANAK Pengembangan literasi berbasis bermain atau Learning by Playing, bermain merupakan dunia bagi anak. Mereka akan mengenali, met persepsi, dan mempelajari berbagai hal melalui bermain. Dalam kegiatan bermain, anak membangun kemampuan literasi nya berdasarkan pengalaman yang di temui saat bermain, dan bahkan anak mampu menceritakan kembali bagaimana pengalamannya saat bermain. Inilah esensi atau hal mendasar dari pra literasi itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan komunikatif anak dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran literasi berbasis bermain. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Proses artikel meliputi teknik observasi langsung dan library research. Subjek artikel ini adalah anak usia dini di masa golden age umur 0-5 tahun. Hasil artikel menunjukkan bahwa anak bermain sambil belajar dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan menghibur, dapat mengembangkan potensi anak secara optimal. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran literasi berbasis bermain untuk meningkatkan kualitas ketrampilan komunikatif pada anak usia dini. Asty Agustin, Fitria Nala Syafila, Hidayatu Munawaroh Copyright (c) 2024 JOURNAL FASCHO : JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MENGGALI DAN MENGAMBARKAN POTENSI KREATIVITAS SENI PADA ANAK USIA DINI The presence of young children in dance activities is growing rapidly. This can be seen both in formal and non-formal education. However, what is very worrying is that there is no difference in the material presented between adults and children, so that what is presented is not optimal. This happens because the songs or dance movements that are performed do not match the child's level of ability, for example the child's voice or movement area is in accordance with the capacity of the anatomical structure, so what the couple wants to convey is not communicative. To overcome these obstacles, it is necessary to develop creative potential starting from an early age. It can be ensured that if children have been sharpened and cared for from an early age to maximize their potential movement abilities, a number of professional dancers will be born who in turn will become functional dancers. To overcome the above phenomenon, concern from various parties is needed, for example choreographers must produce dances that are appropriate to the level of difficulty of the movements achieved by the children. Art artists who act as instructors must consider materials that are appropriate to children's worlds so that they can display them more smoothly and flexibly. On the other hand, the concern of art observers such as the Cultural Park and the Arts Council is also very much needed in order to provide motivation and control to maintain the quality of the bank of songs or art movements displayed. Firza Hardyn Aira Zahra, vava imam agus faisal Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL FASCHO : JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERKEMBANGAN BAHASA DAN LITERASI ANAK USIA DINI This article discusses the importance of language development and literacy in early childhood as a foundation for communication and interaction skills in the future. The article examines factors that influence this development, both internal (cognitive, motor, and genetic abilities) and external (environment, media, and technology). The article emphasizes the crucial role of parents and educators in creating a conducive learning environment. Parents can provide appropriate stimulation through rich interactions, while educators can use engaging learning methods that are tailored to the child's development. Collaboration between the two is crucial for achieving optimal results. The article also highlights the importance of digital literacy in the digital technology era. The article uses a descriptive method to delve into in-depth information about language development and literacy in early childhood. Data was collected through direct observation, interviews, and documentary studies. The article concludes that language and literacy development in early childhood requires serious attention from parents, educators, and society. Through collective efforts, children can have a strong foundation in developing their language and literacy skills from a young age. cindy aprilia, Alya Fasihah, Hidayatu Munawaroh Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL FASCHO : JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN SENI MENGGAMBAR TERHADAP PENINGKATAN KONSENTRASI PADA ANAK USIA DINI Early Childhood Education (ECE) serves as a crucial foundation for children's development, honing their potential through various beneficial activities. Artistic activities, particularly drawing, play a vital role in cognitive development and concentration enhancement in young children. This article examines the relationship between drawing and the improvement of concentration in early childhood. Utilizing a qualitative approach based on library research, various psychological theories such as Multiple Intelligences Theory, Piaget's Cognitive Theory, and Csikszentmihalyi's Flow Theory are explored to understand the mechanisms behind this phenomenon. Findings indicate that drawing not only stimulates creativity but also enhances children's focus and attention through sensory-motor stimulation, emotional involvement, and structured creative processes. Educators and parents can utilize drawing as an effective tool to boost children's concentration abilities and cognitive development. Alya Fasihah, Sri Wahyu Hidayah, vava imam agus faisal Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL FASCHO : JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 STIMULASI PERKEMBANGAN ASPEK SENI ANAK USIA DINI This study aims to determine the process of stimulating early childhood art development in Banca Patola Kindergarten, Bouban City. The study applies a qualitative descriptive method in which data is collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The collected data is analyzed by reducing, presenting, and verifying. The results of the study show that the process of stimulating children's artistic development is carried out with activities such as: (1) humming and singing while doing something, (2) creating with beads, origami paper and natural materials; (3) sanis activities such as mixing colors, finger painting; (4) drawing in various ways and forms: (5) coloring activities. In addition, various stimuli that can be applied to improve the achievement of aspects of artistic development at Banca Patola Kindergarten include (1) the role of teachers in providing support and facilities so that children can listen to the songs they like; (2) teachers always give appreciation in the form of praise; (3) teachers facilitate activities that stimulate children's art: (4) teachers give rewards to children for their achievements in activities Ani Sofiana Istiqomah, Dainty Khusna Victoria Enenti, vava imam agus faisal Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL FASCHO : JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERKEMBANGAN BAHASA ANAK USIA DINI DAN PENGEMBANGANNYA DI SEKOLAH Early Aged Children Education (EACE) is a part ofpreshool education. The matter ofthe education, particularly, has been drawn up in government regulation 2003 in the point 28 part I. The regulation stated that EACE is conducted before the elementary education. In developing a language, the teacher needsto have·aknowledge ofthe language development and~he developing oflanguage. Children'slanguage developmenttest inthe periodes. The fIrst periode is the pre-lingustic periode which are 0-2 months ofphonation stage in which children learn pronounce the vocal symbols, 2-4 months ofgoing stage, 4-7 months ofexpansion stage in which children begin to produce some new sounds, 7-10 months of cononical stage, 10-14 months of contractionstage in wihchchildren leamto imitate same soundthey listen to. The second isthe linguistic period. It includes 12month children in holofrase periode in which children are able to express a sentence consisting of3-6 words, 2-3 year childrenmay use the widernouns with the vocabulary of3-50 words, 3 year children have vocabulary of 200-300 words. 4 year children are able to use a langusge with the correctstucture and with the vocabulary of1400-1600words. 5-6 year children have a correct order of language. The technique ofdeveloping language in schools can be: (a) maximizing natural communication for children, (b) considering the silent period on the early ofthe learning program, (c) using the concrete reference so that 2nd language can be comprehendedby children,(d) using themeaning fuul phrase when the teacher is teaching dialogues, (e) avoiding teaching structure to children, (t) avoiding retenng the LI when teaching L2 Dina ` Zuhda Syauqia, Ani Sofiana Istiqomah, Hidayatu Munawaroh Copyright (c) 2025 JOURNAL FASCHO : JURNAL PENELITIAN DAN PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000